Digital Technology
Digital technologies are an increasingly prominent feature of daily life. At Pascoe Vale North Primary School, we provide all students with the knowledge and skills needed to maximise their learning with digital tools. We also support them to meaningfully and safely manage their use of digital resources.
Using digital tools in the classroom
When appropriate for particular learning goals, students at Pascoe Vale North Primary School use devices including iPads and Chromebooks. Students are taught when and how to use the devices effectively in support of their learning.
Navigating the digital world
We know that navigating the digital world can be difficult for young people; we aim to explicitly teach students not just how to use digital tools, but how to navigate online environments with care and confidence. As it becomes an increasingly important part of students’ lives, we aim to equip students to be competent and responsible users of digital platforms and devices.
At Pascoe Vale North Primary School, we use the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program to inform classroom teachers’ approach to teaching safe participation in online environments.