School Profile
Pascoe Vale North Primary School has a school of approximately 370 students. Our community represents a diverse range of socio-economic, cultural and language backgrounds. Within our diversity we have 2.5% of students who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and currently 18 students funded under the Program for Students with a Disabilities. We pride ourselves on being diverse and inclusive.
The workforce at Pascoe Vale North Primary consists of 28 teaching staff which includes a Principal, Assistant Principal and a Leading Teacher for Student Engagement and Wellbeing outside the classroom fulltime. The school has a Learning Specialist for Teaching and Learning, who is released for two days a week to further assist whole school improvement. We also have a Disabilities Inclusion Leader for 2.5 days which supports families and the school with additional funding support for allocated students.
There are 11 Education Support staff, 9 of whom assist students who are funded under the Program for Students with a Disability and 2 administration staff.
The school operates 17 classrooms: Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 as an individual grade level and composite classes in years 3/4 and 5/6.
At PVNPS, we acknowledge that each child possesses unique characteristics and we encourage each one to aspire to excellence by using appropriate stimuli to meet their wide diversity of needs. Students are challenged with explicit teaching and tailored programs to ensure they become confident, independent and self-motivated learners with high self-esteem and resilience. A diverse range of learning and teaching programs support students to develop a range of skills and strategies that enable them to be critical and creative thinkers. Our teaching programs are evidence based and we have undertaken a process of research to select the best approaches to meet the needs of our students.
The school continually strives to provide a balanced education through a range of specialist subjects taught by specialist teachers. The Specialist subjects offered by the school are Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music & Performing Arts and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to all students in Prep to 6. Our Language other Than English is AUSLAN, which is Australian sign language for the Deaf. Our AUSLAN program is an online program in which classroom teachers deliver a half hour lesson each week.
Our school playground environment are all shared spaces, and you will see we have a great deal of spaces for different kinds of play. There are three play equipment areas, a large sandpit, garden zones with cubby houses and blocks and tyres for creative play, bat tennis courts, a basketball court and a large oval for recreation.
We endeavour to support all students during their breaks by being engaged and we further support them through a Sports Garage of activities that is opened a few lunchtimes each week, and supervised by student leaders, for students to borrow. Student voice is also valued and we have a number of different and interesting lunch clubs each term, organsied and run by students (chess, anagrams, downball, origami). Our school choir and rock band are also a lunchtime activity for those involved.
Pascoe Vale North Primary School is committed to providing a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all students, staff and members of our community. Our school recognises the importance of the partnership between our school and parents and carers to support student learning, engagement, and wellbeing. The school provides many opportunities for feedback via channels such as surveys, online/face to face meetings, information sessions and simply by being open to feedback at any time.
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