Our comprehensive curriculum is organised by five strands – Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, and Statistics. Mathematics at PVNPS aims to ensure that students:
Develop useful mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life.
See connections and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes.
Are confident mathematicians who will take risk, be persistent and problem solve.
Instructional time in Mathematics
At Pascoe Vale North Primary School, students engage in 5 hours of Mathematics instruction per week. The curriculum is designed to develop four interconnected proficiencies. We present challenging and engaging tasks to all students through the launch – explore- summarise instructional model. Our model structures lessons to engage all students in thinking mathematically, foster student agency and encourages students to think for themselves, as opposed to following recipes and is inclusive and allows all students to access the full curriculum. All students participating in whole class learning experiences, hearing a range of perspectives and possibilities. It is underpinned by the belief that students ‘think first’ before ‘explicit instruction’ ‘You do – We do – You Do’.